The story revolves around drug addiction and the murder cases of Attorney Marks, an egotistical yet likable high-powered attorney who can juggle an array of female companions without taking his eye off the legal challenges.
Often dismissed as too pretty and superficial by critics, these later works reflect Manet’s elegant social world, propose a radical new alignment of modern art with fashionable femininity, and record the artist’s unapologetic embrace of ...
"Expansive Discourses is a historical analysis of the complex relations between the City of Calgary and the various land development companies in the three decades of turbulent growth following World War II. As the first book to examine the ...
... Lepage , Dagnan - Bouveret , and De Monvel . The writers of these several ... in author's preface is dated 1887. There are their tone , and are really ... August morning in a farm - cart through . the lanes of Normandy , or ...
A groundbreaking reassessment of the American prison system, challenging the widely accepted explanations for our exploding incarceration rates In Locked In, John Pfaff argues that the factors most commonly cited to explain mass ...