Semantic Scholar profile for C. Allignol, with 1 highly influential citations and 2 scientific research papers.
Semantic Scholar profile for C. Allignol, with 1 highly influential citations and 2 scientific research papers.
Oct 17, 2024 · To assess the potential bias in a comparison of bisoprolol to other antihypertensives in terms of Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) incidence, ...
3.7K · 30-day returns
De l'état Actuel du Clergé En France: Et En Particulier des Curés Ruraux Appelés Desservans, (French Edition). French Edition | by C. Allignol.
Maître de conférences allemand · Expérience : Université de Grenoble · Formation : Université Parix X Nanterre · Lieu : Grenoble et périphérie · 120 ...
Foch, C. ., Allignol, A. ., Hohenberger, T. ., Boutmy, E. ., Schaefer, S. ., & Hostalek, U. . (2022). Effectiveness of bisoprolol versus other β-blockers ...
Janczewski, D. J., Reinhoudt, D., Verboom, W., Hill, C., Allignol, C., & Duchesne, M. T. (2008). Tripodal diglycolamides as highly efficient extractants for f- ...
30-day returns De L'état Actuel Du Clergé En France: Et En Particulier Des Curés Ruraux Appelés Desservans... (French Edition): 9781247597959: Allignol, C., ...
They are very efficient extractants for Am3+ and Eu3+ with an up to five times relative extraction ability for Eu3+ . The ...
Mar 11, 2021 · Abstract—In this article, we test a horizontal detect and avoid algorithm for Unmanned Aerial Vehicules (UAVs) flying in the.