For American history lovers comes the long-overdue, definitive, and engrossing new biography of an essential American, whose life story is the story of the country from the time after its founding to the Civil War.
The primary-source-documents volume brings obscure resources together, which will further illumine the period for students."--"Outstanding Reference Sources," American Libraries, May 2001
A group portrait of America's first President and the men who served with him to create the office shares insights into their personalities and the consequences of Washington's decision to heed or disregard specific advice.
The fire-eaters of the South received credit for the dissolution of the Union, pressing since 1830 for withdrawing the slave states from the Union, either to follow their destiny individually or to band together into a new confederation ...
Placing Indian removal in political and social contexts, the editors have selected contemporary primary-source documents that reveal the motives and perspectives of both whites and Indians and cover the complicated influences of Jacksonian ...