This edition includes all 85 articles, most of which were originally published in The Independent Journal and The New York Packet between 1787 and 1788.
The publisher of this volume has been so fortunate as to procure from Mr. Madison the copy of the work which that gentleman had preserved for himself, with corrections of the papers, of which he is the author, in his own hand.
The first 77 of these essays were published serially in the Independent Journal, the New York Packet, and The Daily Advertiser between October 1787 and April 1788.A two-volume compilation of these 77 essays and eight others was published as ...
The collection was commonly known as The Federalist until the name The Federalist Papers emerged in the 20th century. A True American Classic that belongs on Every Patriot's Bookshelf!
No competing edition of The Federalist offers nearly as much help in grasping Publius' arguments in defense of the new but unratified United States Constitution of 1787 as this new annotated edition by J. R. Pole.
Seventy-seven of these essays were published serially in the Independent Journal, the New York Packet, and The Daily Advertiser between October 1787 and August 1788.
The Fav Federalist Papers is a wonderful twist on the original The Federalist Papers. If you are a long time fan of the Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison original, you'll be curious how true this book is to the original.