This fully annotated volume also includes a discussion of the early use of the wheel boat to travel the Missouri and the expedition's financial records.
This book provides all the essential information necessary to fully grasp the history, culture, and current feelings surrounding North American Indians.
This book is at once exhaustive and captivating, covering myriad aspects of a people spread across a continent. Divided into ten geographic areas for easy reference, this work illustrates each Native American group in careful detail.
The Secret of Staying Young provides the most up-to-date, comprehensive information including vitamin deficiencies in relation to Alzheimer's Disease, coping with menopause, memory nutrients that really work, foods for your mood and mental ...
This title is also of prime importance because it lists every photographer for every one of the Government's surveys"--Hanson Collection catalog, p. 100.
Considered the classic of its field, this book provides, entirely in prose form, how to speak the language entirely through sign language, without one diagram provided.
First published in 1885, the book has also been criticized by Native and non-Native scholars, many of whom do not take into account Warren's perspective, goals, and limitations.