In this original story inspired by the new Netflix animated series "Carmen Sandiego, " a special clue-decoding wheel built into the front cover allows readers to hunt for long-lost pirate's treasure alongside the world's greatest thief.
"This full colour graphic novel presents "The Scottish Play" just as Shakespeare intended: in its original and unabridged format. Ideal for purists, students and readers who will appreciate the unaltered text.
El genio narrativo del autor alcanza su cima más elevada con esta obra: novela de dimensiones épicas que relata la resistencia heroica de una comunidad indígena ante una injusta expropiación de tierras.
PROGRAMACION WEB Full Stack 1 - Ecosistema Web Desarrollo frontend y backend - Curso Visual y Práctico Aprendeás: HTML5 / CSS3 / Diseño UI con CSS / Introducción a JavaScript / JavaScript orientado a objetos / Integración de HTML5 y ...
Because she loves horses but is scared of them, Melody wants to conquer her fears, so she hopes a summer camp will be the place to welcome someone with cerebral palsy who wants to learn to ride.