These remarkable documents of Greek social and cultural history include masterpieces of lively narrative and subtle argument prepared by such orators as Lysias, Antiphon, and Demosthenes.
"The illuminated cover is printed in multiple colors and is signed by the Heliotype Printing Co., Boston. The interior B & W line work is probably also by them."--David A. Hanson documentation.
"After being accused of reckless endangerment and forced to answer to the U.S. Congress, master sniper Bob Lee Swagger must protect political hostages in a once-in-a-lifetime standoff"--
Focusing both on English criminal, military, and parliamentary trials, and upon national and international trials for war crimes, this book illuminates the diverse forces that have shaped trials during the modern era.
Per cogliere la complessitą della vicenda giudiziaria conseguente al terremoto dell’Aquila occorre mettere da parte gli eccessi di semplificazione, i pregiudizi e la frettolosa ricerca di colpevoli.
These stories, however, are true. Each trial transcript is followed by an essay that interprets the beliefs, codes, everyday speech, and personal transactions of a world that is radically different from our own.
This pioneering work collects an amazing assemblage of court cases in which animals have been named as defendants--chickens, rats, field mice, bees, gnats, and (in 34 recorded instances) pigs, among others-- providing insight into such ...
Looks at the concept of lawlessness in medieval Europe, relates the stories of animals tried for criminal acts, and discusses the changing concept of justice.