inauthor:"Nicholas J. Healy" from
In this Book David L. Schindier and Nicholas J. Healy Jr. promote a deeper understanding of the Second Vatican Council's Declaration on Religious Freedom - Dignitatis Humanae - which Pope Paul VI characterized as one of the greatest ...
inauthor:"Nicholas J. Healy" from
The unifying centre of Nicholas J. Healy's book is an analysis, in dialogue with the metaphysics of Thomas Aquinas, of Balthasar's understanding of the analogy of being.
inauthor:"Nicholas J. Healy" from
Healy shows how for Balthasar the ultimate form of 'the end' is given in Christ's eucharistic and pneumatic gift of himself - a gift that simultaneously lays bare the mystery of God's trinitarian life and enables Christ to return to the ...
inauthor:"Nicholas J. Healy" from
United States, and the widespread use of radar and Automatic Radar Plotting in marine navigation. In addition to the rules, the book covers damages, both-to-blame collisions, and official investigations.
inauthor:"Nicholas J. Healy" from
The lore of the sea draws people from land to the oceans for work and play, and the law of the sea draws litigants to courts for the trial of maritime cases. This book will be familiar to users of prior editions.